Renu Sharma is an artist born & raised in India in the Delhi NCR region. She loved drawing & painting since her childhood, always keen on participating in art related activities and winning prizes in painting competitions as a kid. After losing touch for a while during the beginning of her adulthood, she started drawing again sometime around the years 2005-2006 after discovering & getting inspiration from a whole new world of art on the internet. Human emotions always intrigued her & so the main subject of her drawings was usually a portrait.
One medium of art is never enough & so she tried her hands on photoshop. The gothic & fantasy world always enchanted her & she discovered to it was easier to achieve those kind of results digitally. She started creating digital art in the year 2008. Her style of art majorly influenced by the Gothic culture, Victorian era, fairy tales, dark emotions & various other factors. Her art mostly has women for the reason that it is much easier for her to relate with their emotions & so she can be true to her art.
Renu has worked with various independent authors, publishing houses, websites and magazines in the past few years. She has also been featured in several magazines and art websites like deviantART and shadowness. She is a full time professional artist and creates art for a living.
Note: She only speaks English and Hindi, hence is to be contacted in either of these 2 languages.